The Association ‘Human Rights in Afghanistan’ begins its activity with a European Conference. Prestigious speakers and attendees from all over the world were part of the Conference in which the report on the investigation of humanitarian crimes in Afghanistan was presented.
Concern for the situation in Afghanistan and its population—who have suffered human rights violations for years—has triggered the creation of the Association ‘Human Rights in Afghanistan’, chaired by Fernando Moragón Meseguer, graduate in Geography and History and specialist in geopolitics and geoeconomics.
Leading experts in the field presented their research based on the reality of this nation during the last 20 years. And the conference was attended by participants from many European, Asian, and American countries.
Moreover, the report ‘Investigation of humanitarian crimes in Afghanistan’ was presented. From the analysis of news in recent years and considering the consequences of those acts to set forth their conclusions. All this information can be consulted on the association’s website.
This organisation was born with the conviction that a global effort is necessary for the Afghan people to be masters of their own destiny and not suffer the result of irresponsible policies.
‘Our commitment means delving into human rights violations, investigating the causes, denouncing the situations, and proposing solutions. As experts in human rights and international relations, we want to help resolve these situations, and do everything possible to prevent their recurrence’, they defend from ‘Human Rights in Afghanistan’.
The website will now be the meeting point for people who want to know about its activities, read the report and join the association.
The seminar has led to a significant number of world experts who want to sign the report and who have asked to be part of the organisation that is being created.
The debate has been very important and, in a few weeks, we will host a new event with some of the international experts and the creation of a permanent forum to monitor the news.